Industry: Home & Garden, Manufacturing, B2B, B2B
Audience: Home Contractors, Homeowners
GAF Roofing is America’s #1 roofing manufacturer; beginning digital marketing initiatives in Q1 2019, its main objective was to drive relevant traffic - contractors and homeowners - to their website and expand awareness of their brand which had been left to contractors previously.
Launched in January 2019, PPC efforts allocated a significant budget evenly across a large audience, regardless of device, day/time, and action/engagement once on-site.
Despite slow load times and an unfriendly UX on mobile, the majority of spend was put toward Mobile users and the website lacked a true multi-phased tracking strategy to ensure that visitors were qualified, segmented, and served relevant followup content.
88% of all mobile traffic from PPC bounced.
CPA - defined solely as searching for a local contractor on the GAF website - was $650 for Mobile users vs. $40 on Desktop
Destination LPs were limited, with nearly all homeowners being driven to a contractor locator page that defaulted to ‘no results found’ for non-cached users
STRATEGY | Qualifying Users
New tracking was added to key destination LPs to ensure that remarketing efforts and dollars were spent only on those most interested or engaged with GAF content
Users who spent 2:30 or more on the Virtual Home Remodeler page, or Scrolled to view more than 20% of content related to DIY Roofing, were put into segments that warranted future remarketing ads
Allowd Goals to be organized by funnel, with weights added based on value to the business.
TACTICS | Destination LP Tests
BEFORE: ‘Contractor Locator’
1. UX with ‘no results found’ error messaging generated.
2. No content surrounding the search field.
3. LP for both prospecting and remarketing audiences.
AFTER: ‘How to Find a Contractor’
1. Required additional step, but with relevant contextual content.
2. Bounce Rate and Exit Rate reductions by 10-20%.
3. Lower-funnel CVR increases of 24%.